

    PM SHRI KV Bhandup is committed to fostering the holistic development of students by offering ample opportunities and one prominent avenue is through Games and Sports. There is a step-by-step schedule of sports events where students who qualify at one stage/level get to compete at the next level. It starts with the KVS Cluster Sports Meet, then moves on to the KVS Regional Sports Meet, and finally, the KVS National Sports Meet. KVS teams participate in the School Games Federation of India (SGFI) / Subroto Cup International Football Tournament. This structured approach provides students with a progressive platform to showcase their sporting prowess.

    The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education with All India Football Federation (AIFF) and Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) has launched the ambitious Football for Schools (F4S) programme. Under this programme, more than 11 lakh FIFA footballs to be distributed throughout the country. The distribution of footballs under Football for Schools (F4S) programme was scheduled at Nodal KVs to distribute the balls to one student and one teacher from each selected school in the district. In session 2023 ,157 students from K V Bhandup participated in KVs Regional meet in a wide range of sports events including Athletics, Swimming, Taekwondo , Boxing, Chess, Football, Volley ball, Cricket from whom 7 students were selected to participate at KVS Nationals.